Support CMS Baseball
As one of the initial nine men’s varsity programs started at Claremont Men’s College, hundreds of Stags have worn the uniform and benefited from their time as a Stag baseball player.
Your support is vital to the success of the program and helps underwrite essential items, like assistant coaches, recruiting outreach, team travel and equipment, all of which advance the Stags’ success. Thank you for your support of Stag Baseball.
Claremont McKenna College
Harvey Mudd College
For donations to the program, please click on one of the links directly above. To donate to CMS Baseball through CMC, select "Baseball" from the "Designation" drop-down menu. For Harvey Mudd, direct your gift to CMS Baseball in the "Other Designations" category and writing in "CMS Baseball" into the comments section.
Other Ways Friends Can Support CMS Teams
In addition to financial support, friends of CMS Athletics provide other impactful opportunities for alumni, parents, and friends to engage with CMS scholar-leader-athletes. Career mentorship of a current Stag or Athena, hosting an event when we are on the road, and providing the coaching staff information on top recruits are just a few of the ways friends of CMS Athletics can enhance the program.
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“Alumni, family and friend support will be a key factor in our pursuit of SCIAC titles and national prominence. Having the equipment we need, the freedom to take team trips out-of-region, and more money for assistant coaches will take Stags Baseball to a new level.”
-Bill Walkenbach, Head Coach