18 Gracie Coburn
Gracie Coburn
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Beaverton, OR
  • High School:
  • Previous College:
  • Position:


Major: Undecided

Area of Greatest Academic Interest: Genetics and Sociology

Favorite Class in College So Far: Psychology.

Why She Chose CMS Softball: I love that CMS Softball can be epitomized in the phrase, 'work hard, play hard'. Every practice and game is both very physically and mentally demanding, but will probably be the most fun you have all day.

Club Softball Team: Beaverton Blaze, Sherwood Fireballs.

Favorite Book: The Five People You Meet in Heaven, The Great Gatsby.

Favorite Movie: Wizard of Oz, Tommy Boy, A Beautiful Mind.

Favorite Quote: "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison. "Just when I thought you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this...and totally redeem yourself!" - Harry from 'Dumb and Dumber'.

Person She Admires the Most: My brother.

One Dream She Cherishes: To learn the 'Thriller' dance and to see 4th of July fireworks from an airplane.