12 Olivia Jacobs
Olivia Jacobs
  • Height:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Shoreline, WA
  • High School:
  • Position:


College: CMC

Major: Environment, Economics, Politics (EEP)

Greatest Area of Academic Interest: Environmental Sciences

Favorite Class in College thus far: Religion and Modernity

Why She Chose CMS Softball: Great softball. Outstanding academics. Beautiful weather.

Club Softball Team: Blaze Blue

Favorite Books: 1984, To Kill A Mockingbird, Mind Gym, Ender’s Game 

Favorite Movies: Grease, Moulin Rouge, Hercules, Pirates of the Caribbean

Favorite Quotes:

- "And if we do act, in however small a way, we don't have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory." HOWARD ZINN

"There's no thrill in easy sailing
when skies are clear and blue 
There's no joy in merely doing things which any one can do.
But there is some satisfaction that's mighty sweet to take, 
when you reach a destination you never thought you'd make."

Three People She Admires: Jackie Robinson, Winston Churchill, My parents