NCAA D-III members celebrate Division III Week April 7-13

NCAA D-III members celebrate Division III Week April 7-13

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INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – Monday, April 7 marks the start of Division III Week (April 7-13), a week-long celebration by Division III institutions and athletic departments to promote the division’s unique philosophy that equally values academics, athletics and student-athletes’ involvement in a full and rich campus life. CMS is one of 448 Division III athletic departments around the country.

There are currently 183,500 DIII student-athletes as compared to 287,510 at the Division I and II levels combined from coast to coast. Division III, however, represents the largest tier in the NCAA at 40 percent of the total membership. 2014 marks the 40th anniversary of NCAA Division III athletics.

If you are a current or former student-athlete, share stories about your athletic experience and tell us why you chose Division III on the Division III Facebook and Twitter pages and use the hashtag #d3week and #whyd3.

To find out more about what NCAA Division III athletics is all about, visit the NCAA Division III website.

#d3week #whyd3

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NCAA Division III on Twitter: @NCAADIII